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How to Play
(and Still Be a Grown-Up)

It's play time! By rediscovering the abandon of play, you can reduce stress, improve your mental health and take a well-needed time out.


We see children do it all the time: jump ropes, create fashion doll musicals, make building block cities, play dress-up and stick-up. They laugh, giggle show off and show up. Sometimes they even tell each other to shut up, and then are friends again, within seconds.


As card-carrying members of the adult population, we often fail to recognize that within play lies deeply rooted secrets to our own humanity.

​Play Supplies:

  • Crayons & coloring book

  • Sidewalk chalk

  • Bubbles

  • Kazoo

  • Whoopee cushion

  • Rubber chicken



Some people play best alone—a crate full of fashion dolls and they are good to go. Others like one or two friends to build a clay city or play hide and seek through the work cubicles, while others prefer group dynamics such as musical chairs or a rousing game of Twister.



Sidewalk chalk can beautify your driveway or write a slick love note to a neighbor. Crayons can be used to color outside of the lines in a coloring book or make a homemade greeting card that can be eaten in case of emergency. The toys you choose need to be appropriate to the situation and the setting: bubbles may have a calming effect at the workplace, but a screaming rubber chicken might put you in the unemployment line.



If you are whoopee cushion kind of person, you may not have the best of times with a fashion doll diva. It is important to seek out playmates with similar interests. If you are artistic consider starting a lunchtime drawing group with pilfered office supplies.



Play must be fun, I repeat, it must be fun, if you are not having fun it is not play, it is something else entirely and would be included in a very different kind of article such as how to remove a fur ball from an alligator!


Tips & Warnings

  • Keep a play journal using crayons, magic markers and stickers

  • Make and keep play-dates

  • Smile a lot

  • Laugh

  • Do not bring a screaming rubber chicken when visiting the elderly.

  • Smile a lot more

  • Keep laughing

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